
Thursday, August 27, 2009

Study Session.

Currently at Panera Bread with the gals. I heart free WiFi!

I had an iced chai tea latte and a yummy sandwhich. The chai tea latte is like Christmas in your mouth. Hahaha.

I guess I should study huh?

Maybe. Hahahaha!!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


I am done with my 7  page research paper on Narcolepsy. Hollah fo a dollah! Hahaha.

I gave my self a deadline…today at 5pm. I finished exactly at 4:50pm. I would have finished earlier today but I fell asleep around 11:30 and woke up at 1:30p. It was a much needed nap. I would have slept longer but it was HOT!

Seriously this heat is not the business. I can’t wait for Fall. I love sweaters, beanies and scarves. 

Anyhoo...I am so glad that paper is out of the way. Now it is time to prep for my presentation on my research. It should not really take me that long. I’ll probably end up doing that during my lunch break at work.

I emailed my paper to my work email, saved on my flash drive as well as saving it on my laptop. I think I got all my bases covered. Hahahaha. As soon as I get into work I will print out my paper.

I am so glad this class will be over this Saturday. I can’t stand it. For the amount of money I am paying for this class…you would think I would have learned something from it. But heccccckkk no. I did not learn anything. Hahaha. The professor is no bueno. I am really going to take my time when we do teacher evals tomorrow night. I am going to give him a piece of my mind. Nice man, but crummy educator. That is the truth.

On a happy note…

This Sunday I am going to see Wicked with my awesome friends. Wahooo! Tis going to be tons of fun!


POTD : I love Vans.



Gratitude 5 list :
I am thankful for…

1. The friends that I do have in my life at this very moment. They know who they are and they are amazing people.

2. My twin aunties. They are my second Mothers and I love them dearly. They are always there for me.

3. My Mom and Dad for being very entertaining…I love it when they talk about each other to me. Hahaha. Good times indeed.

4. My bro for helping me take care of the doggies. Especially today because I had to work on my research paper.

5. The Ate’s at work. They keep the work place fun.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

So soon the weekend ends.

Today’s Gratitude 5 List:
I am thankful for…

1. My Dogs, because they woke up 6am today and I didn’t waste my day sleeping.

2. My bro for being one of my besties. Gotta love bro/sis days.

3. Target, they have awesome clothes.

4. Mom and Dad calling this morning and having long conversations about random stuff.

5. Discovering new music which I can relate to.


POTD: ME! and my new shirt I got from Target. I love the colors!
photo **********************************************************

Today was a good day. A very nice mellow Saturday. My bro and I ran some errands, had lunch, chilled at home with the doggies, and then had dinner at tita Alps pad. And we watched Hannah Montana the movie. In my opinion…it is a great movie. Hahaha. What can I say? It  is the 12 year old in me. LOL!

It was nice to not really do anything today. I actually watched television. Like actually sit on the couch and watch the big screen display pretty moving pictures. Hahaha.

I didn’t accomplish my ultimate goal for the day though. Which was to start and complete my research paper. I’ll have to do it tomorrow.  I’m not too worried about it. So its all gravy baby.

Right now as I am blahgging away, Baxter is asleep and Bailey is in Jass’ room. So it is nice and quiet. Hahaha. I am going to hit the sack early again. Tomorrow I’ve got a lot of things to do.  Such as clean the house, do laundry, give the dogs a bath, and actually sit and do my paper. Hahahaha.

Okay so…you know how sometimes there is that one song that you are feeling? Well, right now the song of the moment is by an artist named Hope. Heard her on Pandora radio. And I love her music. She doesn’t have an album out yet. But I have been listening to her on myspace. Hahaha. I don’t even go on there anymore…I just go to listen to music.

The Rain Don’t Last Forever by Hope

Mmmm... Mmm... oohhmmm...
Could it be the world's gone colder?
Baby, I'm a losing soul
The more I try it just gets harder
And my pain is getting old
Somebody said that nothing lasts forever
Just the storm so I've been told
But it seems that when it rains it pours

And you know the rain won't last forever
And you know the storm won't always flow
But if the sun don't shine forever
You gotta let it go

Sometimes my burdens get so heavy
And it seems too hard to bear
Sometimes I feel so empty
And it feels like no one's there
Somebody said that nothing lasts forever
Just the storm so I've been told
But it seems that when it rains it pours


And you know the rain won't last forever
And you know the storm won't always flow
But if the sun don't shine forever
You gotta let it go
And you gotta let it go...
And you gotta let it go...
Mmmm... Mmm... oohhmmm...


The lyrics are amazing.

It is almost eleven and I should get some sleep. Early and busy day tomorrow.



Thursday, August 20, 2009

Thankful Thursday

Todays 5 things I am grateful for :
[in no particular order]

1. My hair dryer. Without it I would have lifeless hair.

2. Cows. No cows means no milk for my cereal.

3. My parental units for listening to my random stories, especially after a long night in class

4. My Dad for letting me use his van because my Altima has no gas.

5. A job because this Friday is pay day and then I can fill up the gas tank. Lol. But seriously I am grateful to have a decent full time job. With it I am able to buy things I need and on occasion stuff I want. And I am able to help out my parents financially.

Todays photo - my desk. It is only the side where the computer is. On the side to the right of the computer is the extended part of the desk. And that's where I have all the contracts I'm working on. Can't take a picture of that stuff. Gotta follow HIPPA. It is not exciting anyway. Just tons of dead trees. Haha. Oooh I have Hello Kitty's face as my desktop wallpaper. And a straw in my coffee thing [don't wanna stain the newly whitened].

-- Post From My iPhone

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


As I am laying in bed I have decided to start a gratitude list. Everyday I will write down five things I am grateful for. This idea is inspired by an app from the App Store for the iPhone. It's an actual Gratiude Journal application.

I thought I'd make it a daily thing in this blog. Let's see how long I can keep it up. My first list will be posted tomorrow.

Also I am going to try to post a daily picture. I am going to put my Canon Rebel XTi and iPhone camera to good use. Hahaha. I just wanna make this blog more interesting.

Todays photo was taken in my room with my iPhone using an app called Shake It Photo. Snaps like a polaroid and you even have to shake the phone to develop the picture. And it makes sounds like an actual Polaroid camera.

Here is a picture of my little boy, Baxter. He may look cute...but don't let the cuteness fool you. He is a little devil. Lol. But I love him.

-- Post From My iPhone


I am in class. Gotta love laptops and WiFi. And for once the school network is working. Sheesh. The last two class meetings I brought my laptop and the school failed me. Hahaha.

Seriously…what is up with the word “fail”? When did it start becoming a popular term to use? I think I’m falling behind in keeping up with the today’s lingo.

Right now there are only three students in class and that is including me. The professor seems sad. He said it is the first time in his nine years of teaching that he has had less than half of his students show up. Poor dude.

I guess I should get off my laptop.


Tuesday, August 18, 2009


So right now I am going to blog everything that has been on my mind. There is so much on my head its overflowing. My brain does not have the capacity to process such random thoughts. LOL. Sorry I tried to sound smart for a second. Didn’t work. Hahaha.

So on Sunday The Rock had a guest speaker named Nick Vujicic. Anyhoo…he was born with no limbs. Check out his website if you get the chance.


He is an amazing man. Very inspirational.

I have a bunch of other things to blog about but I’ll have to do that later on. I really have to finish up my paper on Narcolepsy.



Monday, August 17, 2009


Oooh mannn I slept from 4:30 to almost 7pm. Yikes. But well worth it. I feel better. I've been crazy tired lately. And the long ass nap sure did help.

I bailed on class today to catch up on reading and work on my paper. Mission...epic fail. Lol. I just wanted to say those words. Hahaha. But mission was not accomplished. Catching up on sleep was way more important.

Now I will iron my clothes for tomorrow. Go back to bed and read a little bit.

Til next time.


-- Post From My iPhone

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Mellow Sunday

I am up a little early. Darn doggies and their play fighting. Hahaha. They are driving me bananas.

Well since I am up I thought I'd drop an early blog before I start my day.

After Dad's Sunday breakfast, Broski and I are going to gas up the automobile, hit up Plaza Bonita and return the clear case that I bought for my lovely iPhone. It so whack. Gets super linty on the inside and a biatch to take off. Gonna see if I can get my thirty bucks back. And then go to Best Buy and get a screen protector. I am currently using one of my Broski's. He purchased a pack of three and of course I used up two...and I still have lint between the screen and the screen protector. Anyhoo...gonna get one at Best Buy. I like the one I had on my blackberry. The only thing it is about twenty buckaroos. Eh we shall see.

Then later on today we are gonna to The Rock for the 5pm service with Dad and auntie Junie. They are going to have a guest speaker who was born without limbs. I'm pretty stoked to see him. Annnd I think my buddy Ra is going to go as well.

Then later I am going to attempt cleaning my room and bathroom. With school and work I have been neglecting my chores. Lol. Gotta clean! I also have to get started on my research paper. It's due in a week. Ayyyye I actually have my intro down. Now to start the body of the essay.

Okay breakfast time.

I really love this phone. LOL. Yahhh I'll stop now.


-- Post From My iPhone

Saturday, August 15, 2009


Hollah! I love this phone. Love love love.

-- Post From My iPhone

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Lately I have been extremely exhausted. It is so weird.


Like yesterday, I was going through my music on my ipod and then all of a sudden I dozed off and dropped it on my desk. I haven’t been this tired since going to school and working graveyard.


Today I kept nodding off while working. I couldn’t wait to get outta there. Sheesh.


So…I got my teeth whitened today, my yellow teeth are no longer yellow! Yay! Plus in the next three days they will be getting whiter. I need to avoid foods and drinks that will stain my teeth…at least for the next three days. Like the doctor said “stay away from foods/beverages that could stain a white tshirt”. Got it! Right now my bottom teeth are a little sensitive. But well worth it. Hahaha.


Okay I hate mapquest! I followed the directions and they were wrong. It said that Qualcomm Way would be on the left…but it was on the RIGHT! WTH?! So I just drove around until I figured out where to go. Hahaha. Dumb mapquest! Hate it!


I can’t wait for this week to be over. Thursday I have another dental appointment, checkup and then cleaning. Then Friday have a study group session going on for Saturdays midterm. Then Saturday morning is *dun dun dun* MIDTERM! Ahhhhh! Garsh I just want Bio Psych to be done with. Its not that I don’t get it. I just don’t like it. Ahahaha. Its the bio part that killz me. I don’t know why I liked bio before…it was even my major at SFstate. Now I just cannot stand it. LOL!


I think I’m going to hit the sheets a little early. I need some major sleepage.



Saturday, August 8, 2009

Saturday, Saturday

The day has come and gone in a blink of an eye. Totally wiggidy wiggidy whack. Hahaha. My three day weekend is almost over.

Hmmm…today I babysat my Godson, Jayden. He is the cutest boy ever,  Lol. A monster…but a cutie patootie.  Good times today.


Right now I should be reading Bio Psych. Buuut of course as soon as I go onto the computer I am distracted. I saw that my cousin was on Dell  Video Chat so I hit her up and we chatted for almost two hours. And then I started chatting with my darling Auntie Megz. It is almost midnight and I haven’t accomplished anything. Ah well.


Ooooh my Dad picked up a DVD copy of my Ninong’s funeral. They hired a professional to make a video. Annnd it made me sad. I misse my Ninong.


I guess I should start reading.



Friday, August 7, 2009

Laptop and other updates!

Yay for new laptop! I did not get a Macbook like I originally wanted. Buuut this new Dell Inspiron 1440 is pretty nifty. And tis PURPLE! Not the purple that was on the Dell website…the website purple laptop was my kind of purple. This one that they delivered me is sort of like a plum purple. Still purple I guess…I’ll live. LOL. Lets hope Vista won’t fail me this time. I did have a few gliches and had to contact Dell Support. They were pretty good at getting my system fixed. The techie guy even accessed my computer from where ever he is in the world. Mos def neat.


And this Windows Live Writer program is awesome. I don’t even have to sign on to the blogger website to actually blog on here. Love it!


My Daddy is home from the Philippines today! I missed him bunches. Hahaha. When I got home from work I was welcomed with a ginormous hug and a “my baby girl” greeting. I love my Daddy.


My Mom gave him his birthday gift a little early. She bought him a Dell Mini 9…like the one I have [which I gave to my Mom now that I have this new laptop]. He loves it. Now he can go on Facebook and check his email anytime he wants [yep my parental units have facebook accounts…LOL].


I am off from work tomorrow…thank goodness!! I needed a major break from the work place. Its not really stressful, I’m  just getting bored of it. Its the same thing everyday for 8 hours. But hey…I am thankful that I have a job that pays well.


This weekend should be an eventful one. Tomorrow I am on a mission to buy a laptop bag or sleeve. Annnd my Dad wants to have a family outting…probably get dunch [dinner and lunch]. Spend some good ‘ol family time together. 

And then catch a movie with my bestie Laney. She is the only friend I hang out with from high school. Love her.


Saturday I am babysitting my Godson Jayden. Looking forward to that. I love the little monster.


Sunday…go to church with Mel and Ra. Really am looking forward to seeing The Katinas during Praise and Worship. Then afterwards hit up the Rockpile Bookstore and get a study bible.


And in between all the events I gotta get some Bio Psych done. Bleh I am not a big fan of Biological Psychology. Can’t wait til this class is over. Developmental Psychology seems way more interesting.


We just watched the video footage my Dad took from the Philippines. Oh how I miss my family over there.


It is getting super later and I am pretty tired. Been up since 4am! Eegads. LOL.


Til next time.

