
Friday, August 7, 2009

Laptop and other updates!

Yay for new laptop! I did not get a Macbook like I originally wanted. Buuut this new Dell Inspiron 1440 is pretty nifty. And tis PURPLE! Not the purple that was on the Dell website…the website purple laptop was my kind of purple. This one that they delivered me is sort of like a plum purple. Still purple I guess…I’ll live. LOL. Lets hope Vista won’t fail me this time. I did have a few gliches and had to contact Dell Support. They were pretty good at getting my system fixed. The techie guy even accessed my computer from where ever he is in the world. Mos def neat.


And this Windows Live Writer program is awesome. I don’t even have to sign on to the blogger website to actually blog on here. Love it!


My Daddy is home from the Philippines today! I missed him bunches. Hahaha. When I got home from work I was welcomed with a ginormous hug and a “my baby girl” greeting. I love my Daddy.


My Mom gave him his birthday gift a little early. She bought him a Dell Mini 9…like the one I have [which I gave to my Mom now that I have this new laptop]. He loves it. Now he can go on Facebook and check his email anytime he wants [yep my parental units have facebook accounts…LOL].


I am off from work tomorrow…thank goodness!! I needed a major break from the work place. Its not really stressful, I’m  just getting bored of it. Its the same thing everyday for 8 hours. But hey…I am thankful that I have a job that pays well.


This weekend should be an eventful one. Tomorrow I am on a mission to buy a laptop bag or sleeve. Annnd my Dad wants to have a family outting…probably get dunch [dinner and lunch]. Spend some good ‘ol family time together. 

And then catch a movie with my bestie Laney. She is the only friend I hang out with from high school. Love her.


Saturday I am babysitting my Godson Jayden. Looking forward to that. I love the little monster.


Sunday…go to church with Mel and Ra. Really am looking forward to seeing The Katinas during Praise and Worship. Then afterwards hit up the Rockpile Bookstore and get a study bible.


And in between all the events I gotta get some Bio Psych done. Bleh I am not a big fan of Biological Psychology. Can’t wait til this class is over. Developmental Psychology seems way more interesting.


We just watched the video footage my Dad took from the Philippines. Oh how I miss my family over there.


It is getting super later and I am pretty tired. Been up since 4am! Eegads. LOL.


Til next time.

