
Saturday, August 8, 2009

Saturday, Saturday

The day has come and gone in a blink of an eye. Totally wiggidy wiggidy whack. Hahaha. My three day weekend is almost over.

Hmmm…today I babysat my Godson, Jayden. He is the cutest boy ever,  Lol. A monster…but a cutie patootie.  Good times today.


Right now I should be reading Bio Psych. Buuut of course as soon as I go onto the computer I am distracted. I saw that my cousin was on Dell  Video Chat so I hit her up and we chatted for almost two hours. And then I started chatting with my darling Auntie Megz. It is almost midnight and I haven’t accomplished anything. Ah well.


Ooooh my Dad picked up a DVD copy of my Ninong’s funeral. They hired a professional to make a video. Annnd it made me sad. I misse my Ninong.


I guess I should start reading.




messythrillinglife said...

hey! how can i follow you? haha